Friday, October 26, 2007

Radio gigging II

I've been featuring Lewes band The Pursuit on Rocket FM - about to make it big. I also interviewed Hank Wangford on the phone - he'll be playing Lewes Con Club soon.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Radio gigging

Kyla Brox was on the phone from Australia, currently on tour with her particular blues style. Spoke Eric Eggleston in Ottawa on air yesterday. Correctly forecast on Derek Watts sports show on air that Räikkönen would win the Brazil G.P. - didn't say he would be champ but of course we now have another appeal! The soap opera goes on.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Transatlantic hook-up for the two Jims

James Ford III, Mayor of Lewes, Delaware will greet Councillor Jim Daly, Mayor of Lewes, East Sussex on Rocket FM at 17:30 on Friday October 19. Both will be talking on the Get Smart show with Rupert Lloyd Thomas on Rocket FM at 17:30. Jim Daly has recently visited Lewes, Delaware to promote contact and goodwill across the Atlantic.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Standing by

Rocket FM launches on 87.8 FM tomorrow after five days as an internet-only service. Is Lewes ready? Stephen Pilfold is blogging Rocket FM here. Our fab new webcam is here.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The show must go on

First weekday show yesterday with Chloe Alexander, smart car owner and sixties music aficionado, plus Mark Hewitt of the Lewes Live Literature Festival.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Rocket FM

I'm in the UK for Rocket FM which kicked off on Saturday morning. Yesterday morning the three Thomas brothers reviewed the newspapers from 9:00-11:00.
The Get Smart show starts this afternoon 17:00-19:00 local time. Listen here.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

From flophouse to boutique

Taking coffee at Coffee Time on Queen Street West, I took this picture of the newly-upgraded Gladstone Hotel conveniently located at a tram stop.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Puffed out at Oktoberfest

To Kitchener-Waterloo, known as K-W, for Oktoberfest and to ride the Waterloo Central Railway. Unfortunately steam engine #9 couldn't pull the train, having broken down with overheated bearings - it was still posing at Waterloo prior to our departure for St. Jacobs. This railway has had a successful first season with some 7,000 riding the rails to date.
