Monday, December 08, 2014

Tool News

We like to keep it local here at PunchBuggy. So here is our new can opener, similar to the old one on the left. The old Swing-A-Way, made in the USA, is being supplemented by the new EZ-DUZ-IT on the right. The story here is that Swing-A-Way outsourced production to the PRC, while selling the tooling to the John J Steuby Company of Hazelwood, Missouri. So we have a new heartland, midwest-made can opener, built to last. $14.63 including tax at Williams-Sonoma.

While getting gas on Saturday we spotted a sign for a local estate sale. I couldn't get there quick enough. The selection of thirteen tools above was picked for $5. All but one Canada or U.S. made, the exception being the small Oxwall bicycle wrench from Japan. The pick of the crop is the Ford branded antique open-ended wrench, inscribed Ford Made In Canada. Also included a Scrulox Robertson screwdriver and my first Mac Tools screwdriver, from Ohio, somewhat abused by the previous owner but good for the 'user' pile.