Sunday, August 15, 2010

Flower of Scotland team gets "salt fever"

Bonneville is proving to be a strict mistress for the Flower of Scotland team. When you are hooked on setting a record, also known as salt fever, the rules are exacting. The rookie acclimatisation requires three qualification runs at set speeds:

"D" license at 125 mph to 149 mph
"C" 150 mph to 174 mph
"B" 175 mph to 199 mph

Ideally these runs should be set in sequence but in a streamliner with the potential to exceed 300 mph it is not that simple. As of Sunday afternoon driver Rick Pearson had earned his "D" and "C" licenses and came to the startline in pursuit of a "B" license - the car was pushed off by the pickup but the motor died shortly into the run and he pulled off the course. Another attempt was planned for later in the day to secure the opportunity to run for the record.

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