Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hogs and history

We have a great visit to the Harley-Davidson powertrain factory where they make the engines and gearboxes. We are given the 'short' tour as they are putting together 2009 models, yet to be announced, at the factory. No photography allowed on the 'Walk the Line' tour. We have a personal tour being the only two folk who turned up for the 09:00 departure. The best I can say is that H-D was saved by a management buyout, although I am alarmed to learn they have factories also in Kansas City, MO, and York, PA. Must involve additional cost and management effort. Anyway they have to be doing something right as there are hogs all over middle-America.
'HIST DIST' is tourist shorthand for historic district and we head for the Third Ward in downtown Milwaukee. The city has some marvelous outsize vintage buildings. Coffee at a pavement cafe followed by a visit to the William F. Eisner American Museum of Advertising & Design. Good vintage ads on play-it-yourself machines. We roll on to the newly-opened Harley Davidson museum where we don't take a tour, having had a free Harley fix earlier. We bump into an Aussie guy in a '56 Chevy who is taking his newly-bought prize back to Australia after a Route 66 tour.
We take the evening ferry across Lake Michigan, and check-in at the Seaview Motel in Muskegon, Michigan, $75 cash, arriving late. The bikers are partying here too.

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