Hogtown City Limits IV
To Queens Quay on the Brompton bicycle. Stop by at Budapest Park for a quick clear up of the litter. On to the Island airport at the bottom of Bathurst where I change my mind about taking the ferry. Talk to one of the cab drivers waiting for the punters to arrive on Porter Airlines who says: "it is a way to make an honest living." As I stop to take a photograph the janitor from the local school bobs up and talks to me over the fence: "it used to be quiet round here." Now there are many taxis lined up and airport buses going to and fro. He is right. Not long ago the airport was on its knees, with Jack Layton and the local lefties rejoicing at their 'victory' over the proposed bridge to the airport. See PunchBuggy Passim.
Oh, the law of unintended consequences. Now the bottom-end of Bathurst is one big cab rank, when all this could have been at the airport on the other side of the channel. Former hack Adam Vaughan, who has now joined the freeloaders at City Hall, must be grinding his teeth. These guys, who have done their best to make Ontario a 'have not' province, have contrived to drop the City airport development right in their own laps. Bad luck to them!
On to Tim Horton's, large coffee $1.49 incl tax, where a guy pulls up on a $600 Schwinn electric bike. His opinion: "Disappointing, the battery only lasts a mile or two, and the battery won't hold a charge." On to Curbside Cycle to drool over the Pashley bike in the window. Home via the backstreets and laneways north of Bloor.
Thirteen miles approx, 3 hours, incl pitstop.
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