Friday, January 26, 2007

How TVR ran out of road

The sad story of how a famous British marque bit the dust.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Traffic lights at red

Interesting piece on the demerits of traffic lights in The Times.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Panto at Lewes Arms - Oh no, it's not!

The panto has departed after twenty-nine years. The beer-runner will be running elsewhere.
For an update on the Lewes Arms boycott go here. The pub closed on Christmas Day which is unheard of - even greedy Greene King must be wondering if they have made a sound business decision in this case. New Year's resolution - bring back the Harvey's!

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No snow

To the village of Creemore, Ontario yesterday where the big story is the lack of snow in this outrageously mild Canadian winter.

The headline on the front page of the Creemore Echo is "NO SNOW" to the chagrin of the ski clubs, who are laying off staff in droves, and tow-truck drivers everywhere.
We lunched at Affairs Cafe where they were missing the ski crowd. Upside we could park right outside at 5, Francis Street East.

The Creemore Springs brewery is across the street. Great to see a small brewery in a small town. Then to Dufferin County Museum & Archives which is a splendid four-storey modern structure right in the middle of nowhere at Airport Road and Highway 89. We were given a tour behind-the-scenes of this sumptuous museum. All the stars must have aligned when the grant application went in! We took some photos from the tower built to look like a grain silo.
